Thursday, January 8, 2009

Pictures That Amaze

Evolution of Man

Shoe for sale..

Alienware phone.. nice ryte?

What nokia plans to make in the future :)

Joke of the day

Little April was not the best student in Sunday school.
Usually she slept through the class.

One day the teacher called on her while she was napping, "Tell me, April, who created the universe?"

When April didn't stir, little Johnny, a boy seated in the chair behind her, took a sharp pencil and poked her in the rear. "GOD ALMIGHTY!" shouted April and the teacher said, "Very good" and April fell back asleep.

A while later the teacher asked April, "Who is our Lord and Saviour," But, April didn't even stir from her slumber. Once again, Johnny came to the rescue and stuck her again. 'JESUS CHRIST!" shouted April and the teacher said, "very good," and April fell back to sleep.

Then the teacher asked April a third question. "What did Eve say to Adam after she had her twenty-third child?" And again, Johnny poked her with the pencil. This time April jumped up and shouted, "IF YOU STICK THAT F*****G THING IN ME ONE MORE TIME, I'LL BREAK IT IN HALF AND STICK IT UP YOUR ARSE!"

The Teacher fainted.

A lil something for you all :)

Kissing's a pleasure

Fucking's a game

Guys get all the pleasure

Girls get all the pain

He says he loves you, and you believe it's true

Until your belly starts to swell and he says hell with you.

10 minutes of pleasure, 9 months and pain

3 days in hospital, a child without a name

The baby's a bastard

The mother's a whore

This never would have happened if the rubber hadn't tore

Fact of the day

From the age of thirty, humans gradually begin to shrink in size.

Harrison Ford has a species of spider named after him.

Vodka is Russian for little water.

Each year, there are more than 40,000 toilet related injuries in the United States.

A sneeze can travel as fast as 100 miles per hour.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Pictures That Amaze!

Really Good Use For An Old Computer Case

If Davinci Used Photoshop

Jokes of the Day

Yo mama so nasty I called her to say hello, and she ended up giving me an ear infection.

Yo mama so stupid that she tried to put M&M's in alphabetical order!

Yo mama so fat she goes to a resturant, looks at the menu and says "okay!"

What's the difference between a woman with PMS and a Pitt Bull?

Tongue Twister

Six slippery snails, slid slowly seaward.

Try to keep repeating the phrase "Red lorry, yellow lorry"

Where he sits he shines, and where he shines he sits.

Little Johnny

Little Johnny is taking a shower with his mother and says, "Mom, what are those things on your chest!?" Unsure of how to reply, she tells Johnny to ask his dad at breakfast tomorrow, quite certain the matter would be forgotten.

Johnny didn't forget. The following morning he asked his father the same question. His father, always quick with the answers, says, "Why Johnny, those are balloons. When your mommy dies, we can blow them up and she'll float to heaven." Johnny thinks that's neat and asks no more questions.

A few weeks later, Johnnys' dad comes home from work a few hours early. Johnny runs out of the house crying hysterically, "Daddy! Daddy! Mommy's dying!!" His father says, "Calm down son! Why do you think Mommy's dying?" "Uncle Harry is blowing up Mommys' balloons and she's screaming, "Oh God, I'm coming!"

Fun Facts

The tune for the "A-B-C" song is the same as "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star."

In Cleveland, Ohio it is illegal to catch mice without a hunting license

The newest dog breed is the Bull Boxer, first bred in the United states in 1990-91.

A Little Something for you all to read..


A Friend
A-Accepts you as you are
B-Believes in you
C-Calls you just to say `HI'
D-Doesn't give up on you
E-Envisions the whole of you(even the unfinished parts)
F-Forgives your mistakes
G-Gives unconditionally
H-Helps you
I-Invites you over
J-Just `be' with you
K-Keeps you close at heart
L-Loves you for who you are
M-Make a difference in your life
N-Never judges
O-Offers support
P-Picks you up
Q-Quiets your fears
R-Raises your spirits
S-Says nice things about you
T-Tells you the truth when you need to hear it
U-Understands you
V-Values you
W-Walks beside you
X-X-plain thing you don't understand
Y-Yells when you won't listen
Z-Zaps you back to reality
Thank You For Being Such A Good Friend

Gravity r us

Live in KL

Safety Inspector

Construction Workers

Satu hari di hari raya..

Dst Signal Receiver.. See the tower behind XD

Kid and Jul spotted Aliens.. A6 ready to erase their heads..

Helicopter Technician's

First man who climbed the tree!

Dr.Evil in his headquarters

Gravity live at St.James

Underneath A6's Flat
